Cord Blood Registry

Preparing for the addition of a little one into the home can be a parent’s most exciting journey. It’s a time to decorate the nursery, weigh the choices in selecting a name and preparing for those middle of the night feedings.

Newborn BabyIt all goes by so fast and before you know it, that special day arrives and your new loved one is placed in your arms.

Once the birth of a baby is complete, the umbilical cord still contains blood. Unless otherwise directed, hospital personnel label the cord and the placenta as medical waste and it’s discarded. But by taking advantage of cord blood registry, you may be able to help your little one in more ways than you can imagine.

You may have seen advertisements talking about cord blood banking and it may be a new concept to you, but the practice has been around for decades and research using stem cells has shown remarkable instances of giving life saving capabilities.

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As a parent, you want to do all that you can to see to it that your child has the best opportunities in life – especially when it comes to his or her health.  There has been some debate among doctors in the past with cord blood registry and that debate has raged about the benefits of choosing to use public over private cord banks.

The issues stem from whether it’s okay to keep your baby’s cord for your own family in the event it’s needed or to give it to a public bank to be used by anyone in need. For a parent, this debate is really a non-issue.

Doctors are trained to want to help the public, to want to save as many lives as they can. But when it comes to the health of their own child, what parent wouldn’t want the opportunity to be able to give what’s needed?

Treating Future Problems

If a child does end up needing medical intervention to treat a disease that’s blood-related (or one that can benefit from stem cells), the standard procedure now is to try to find a loved one that can donate. After taking the time to screen the blood, it’s tested to see if it’s a possible match.

Many times, it’s not a match – and then the child’s family is forced to turn to the public cord blood bank in the hopes that there’s a match. This too, takes time. But if you already have your child’s blood banked, it’s the best way that you can help to fight for your child’s recovery – and your family deserves the best fighting chance there is.

Cord blood registry is an easy decision to make once you consider the options. The time to weigh the pros and cons of cord blood storage are well before you actually give birth because after giving birth, fatigue, swinging emotions and disrupted sleep can affect your decision making process.

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